¡Hola! Me llamo Señora, Olga, Olguita, Adalis, Beba, and best of all... Mamá

My first blog post and I have so much to say! I am a very high energized, effervescent (at least that's the word that was used to describe me in my year book!), and dedicated High School Spanish teacher who truly enjoys her calling to teach and believes she was born to do it; loves her family (anyone who is in my life is family), and praises Yah for all He has given her. This is why some spots might be in Spanish and some might be in both languages.

My heart has many owners but there are five special people who hold it tightest.  My four beautiful and amazing children. Yes! I have FOUR children! My oldest is almost 19 and my youngest is 2 (NOPE! That is not a typo, he's 2 years old!) and my better half, my constant support and cheerleader, my husband!!!

Now, you may ask, "Why a blog?" My answer is simple, "Facebook is just not enough for me!" I've always loved to write and express myself on "paper". Now, I just write and express myself on the World Wide Web. Who knows, maybe I can become an Internet sensation and make LOTS of money and retire... Yeah, no! Even if I had money I'd still be in a classroom. I don't know if I could live without the smell of concrete buildings, whiteboard markers, and old books. I swear those peculiar odors are my H2O.

So, with all this said, stay tuned for what Señora López might or might not share. I have good days and not so good days. Sometimes I have great stories and sometimes I ramble, but all in all, I think it would make for some interesting reading. Stay tuned and let me know your thoughts. It's always good to keep a conversation flowing both ways.


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