
Showing posts from 2016

Fort Benning and beyond!

Good Morning Fort Benning! It is early, and I maybe slept 2 hours but I'm ready to go! My heart is beating fast and I have butterflies in my stomach. Such an exciting and emotional time! Holy cow was yesterday a loooooong day! From waking up at 2:30am, driving to Boston, flying into Savannah, driving to Augusta, then Atlanta and on to Columbus, Georgia. I was given a bright royal blue Jeep Renegade with 2 miles on the odometer and it now has around 375! Savannah and the drive to Augusta was beautiful!!! Such scenery! Now Atlanta is a whole different story. Too crowded... To dark... Yeah! I basically got to know the state of Georgia without really meaning to or wanting to for that matter. But it was worth it. It was all worth it! Today I have the privilege of watching one of my baby brothers complete his basic training with the U.S. Army. In the next few days I get to watch all of his hard work and dedication culminate in some amazing ceremonies and show of knowledge. It i...

Too much, too little or just enough?

As I sit by myself  here, by gate 33 at Logan Airport, my mind drifts and thoughts just start to flow in and out. I think about how long and eventful this past school year has been. Yes, I tend to think in "school years" as I am a teacher and my most busiest and craziest months are September to June. I think about how much time I missed with family and friends. I reminisce about how much time I spent with My students and how a lot of it was not teaching to the curriculum but teaching to life. We talked about everything! Yes! EVERYTHING! From research papers on anxiety to, shit, we might be pregnant! You know, people often say that I take my job too serious. Others say I get too attached. There have been comments made about how I need to set boundaries and make sure the kids know that I am a teacher first. My thought on that is this: I am a parent of 4 beautiful and amazing children. These 4 amazing human beings are my pride and joy. As they are the most treasured part of me,...

Class of 2016: YOU ROCK!!!

The day is here! The class of 2016 is getting ready to walk across the stage and claim the fruits of their labor. Today, at PHS, 90ish of the most brightest, caring, silly, hard headed and beautiful young men and women I have ever met, will claim their high school diploma. It hasn't been easy! I know! I've listened to your stories and your complaints. I've cried tears of joy when you brought your acceptance letters for me to read. I've laughed histerically with your quirky remarks and your insane stories that I'm pretty sure I am the only adult who's ever heard them. I've cried tears of frustration and hurt when things don't go the way you've planned and you hurt. I've watched you flourish from silly and sometimes rude freshmen to mature, respectful young adults. I am proud to say that you did it! Some did it with little worries and others struggled and fought right down until today. It's been a long road but believe me when I say, t...

¡Feliz dia de Reyes!

¡Buenos dias! ¡Hoy es víspera de Reyes! Hoy en mi bella isla de Puerto Rico los niños salen a buscar yerba para sus cajas de zapatos las cuales pondrán debajo de sus camas y esperaran la llegada de los Reyes Magos los cuales les traerán sus regalitos. En el calor y la brisa sabrosa de mi isla hoy se supura amor, paz, y tradición. Aquí sentada en mi escritorio vestida como una esquimalita respiro el olor a playa, sol, y navidad boricua. Que historia bella, ¿no? Yo me crié en los EEUU... En uno de los estados mas frios del planeta (bueno, eso digo yo...) Aquí en Massachusetts hace frío desde septiembre hasta junio y a veces hasta julio. Mi mami y yo llegamos aquí en el 1980. Yo estaba por cumplir 5 años y ya se imaginan lo mucho que me encantaba la navidad, de hecho, todavía es mi época favorita. Me acuerdo que ese fue el año cuando vi la nieve por primera vez. ¡Si! ¡Yo juraba que iba a saber a azúcar! Que equivocada estaba... la nieve hasta amarga es. Pero bueno, mi recuerdo de la...

Hoy se casaron...

Update: This post was written on August 11th, 2015 and I was trying out another blog site. I like this site better so I transferred it to here. Enjoy! Leave some love!!!  Hoy se casaron... Son las 12:45 de la madrugada y acabo de quitarle las extensiones de pelo a la novia. La novia mas bella que yo allá podido ver. La novia a quien considero como una hermana. Mientras le soltaba las hileras de pelo le pregunte como se sentía. Su respuesta, “puedo cerrar los ojos y veo el día corriendo como una película. Todo estuvo perfecto. Todo quedo como yo quería que q uedara”. Respiré y me dije a mi misma, “Hice mi trabajo, ¡misión cumplida!” Wow! Después de tanto planificar, correr, decorar, pegar y hasta reciclar, se casaron. Fue una de las bodas mas elegantes y mas hermosas que he visto. La novia parecía una reina y el novio su rey. Todo antes de la boda no fue color de rosa y hubieron momentos de susto, de dolor, frustración y hasta coraje, pero al fin, todo cayo en su sitio y...

Feliz feliz en tu dia...

Mi foto favorita tuya. Tus ojos y tu sonrisa lo dice todo. Feliz, feliz en tu dia Mami bella que Dios te bendiga. Que reine la paz en tu dia y que cumplas muchos, muchos mas... Asi es... otro año mas... Hoy cumplirías 84... hoy te hubiéramos  hecho un bacalao guisado con arroz blanco con guineitos verdes por el ladito. De postre te hubiéramos dado casquitos de guayaba con queso del país. Te hubiéramos cantado con un bizcocho de vainilla ya que el chocolate no te gustaba. Tus nietos te hubieran regalado muchos besos, abrazos, y hasta un pellisquito te hubieran hecho. Te hubiera abrazado un poco mas fuerte y me hubiera aferrado a ti un poquito mas que lo usual. Nos hubieras hecho reír con tus ocurrencias y nosotros te hubiéramos engreído con todo lo que se te antojara. Pero Dios lo quiso un poco diferente. Hoy, te llevo en todo lo que hago, te prendo una velita, te canto suavemente un Feliz, feliz en tu día y suelto varias lagrimas en tu honor. No es facil perder a la unic...

2016 WILL be better!

Happy New year! it's been a while but life has kept me busy. I am in the middle of a midlife crisis and my baby is sick. I am in awe of people, life, the government, and even of the world. I am disgusted with things that have gone on in general. I'm a bit scared to leave my house sometimes and when I'm in very congested places I tend to panic a bit. I guess things have changed. Human life is no longer respected. It's scary out there. I'm usually not a negative person but things... Life has made me a little bit jaded. I've distanced myself from everything and everyone who I think will hurt me. Why? Because I've gone into protective mode. I'm tired of being hurt, used, abused and then thrown away. I'm tired of having to be the strong one, the centered one, the go to! I want to be fragile; if just for a bit. This past year has been rough. I've gone through some trials and tribulations but I've made it. I've suffered silently and have hel...