T.S.S. = Too Silly Students!!!
I swear I can't make this stuff up! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time...
A student asked me today if "T.S.S." stays with you forever. I ask him what T.S.S. is... He says that it's the sickness you can get from using tampons. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, from using tampons. I was like, "HUH? Why do you want to know?" He responds with, "Because so and so was talking about it and I Want to be EDUCATED." Yes, he said EDUCATED! Now, I have no idea what TSS stands for. Tampon Super Stuck? Another student says, "GOOGLE it". So, I did. TSS = Toxic Shock Syndrome. I proceed to read the information on the webpage to them and stutter when I go to the read the word "vagina". Yes, now I have to explain to my all of my students, as now the whole class is listening, what TSS is, how it can develop and what could be expected if you get the desease.
This now has turned into a conversation about tampons, how I don't like to use them, some of the girls are scared to use them and all the different colored wrappings that are used for them. At this point, one of them, not sure who, says, "They are so colorful." Someone else says, "The color of the wrapping has to do with the size of them." Yet another student replies, "So is it like clothes? If you wear like a size 8 pants you would wear a size 8 tampon?" At this point I'm laughing so hard I can't even think straight, and can't help but to let the conversation go on a bit longer. I'm so amused and impressed at how well they can discuss these things in public in front of an adult. The funniest part was when out of nowhere a male student says, "I take mine out right away!" BUAHAHAAAAA!!!!
Again, people think teaching is just about teaching your content, yeah... not in my classroom. I will teach any subject! This has not been the first time we've had candid discussions like this one. The best part is, there is no subject I will not tackle with them! Well, let me rephrase that, I will tackle anything but Science and Math, I leave those to the experts!
A student asked me today if "T.S.S." stays with you forever. I ask him what T.S.S. is... He says that it's the sickness you can get from using tampons. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, from using tampons. I was like, "HUH? Why do you want to know?" He responds with, "Because so and so was talking about it and I Want to be EDUCATED." Yes, he said EDUCATED! Now, I have no idea what TSS stands for. Tampon Super Stuck? Another student says, "GOOGLE it". So, I did. TSS = Toxic Shock Syndrome. I proceed to read the information on the webpage to them and stutter when I go to the read the word "vagina". Yes, now I have to explain to my all of my students, as now the whole class is listening, what TSS is, how it can develop and what could be expected if you get the desease.
This now has turned into a conversation about tampons, how I don't like to use them, some of the girls are scared to use them and all the different colored wrappings that are used for them. At this point, one of them, not sure who, says, "They are so colorful." Someone else says, "The color of the wrapping has to do with the size of them." Yet another student replies, "So is it like clothes? If you wear like a size 8 pants you would wear a size 8 tampon?" At this point I'm laughing so hard I can't even think straight, and can't help but to let the conversation go on a bit longer. I'm so amused and impressed at how well they can discuss these things in public in front of an adult. The funniest part was when out of nowhere a male student says, "I take mine out right away!" BUAHAHAAAAA!!!!
Again, people think teaching is just about teaching your content, yeah... not in my classroom. I will teach any subject! This has not been the first time we've had candid discussions like this one. The best part is, there is no subject I will not tackle with them! Well, let me rephrase that, I will tackle anything but Science and Math, I leave those to the experts!
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